How to Pay for SBRR

1. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand column and pay $125 for your yearly membership.
2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, October 29, 2010

PRACTICE 10/29/10

Hi all, we are meeting at Zizzo's Coffee on Storke Rd in Goleta tomorrow at 6:30am.

SBIMarathoners will do their 90min around Girsh Park and the upper neighborhood (the figure 8). We will try and have water and cups for you to parctice drinking EVERY 2mile loop! Even if you don't want to, please practice drinking.

The 1/2 marathoners will do a 4mile tempo (2 figure 8 loops) at a ~90% intensity (90% max HR)

The CIM folks will do 2 x 4miles with 5-10min between loops.

See you tomorrow!

Friday, October 22, 2010


WEEK #10 of SBIM training is HERE!
We are meeting at the Vieja valley School tomorrow at 6:30am sharp! We'll be doing about 8miles at marathon pace for those in their 10th week of training for SBIM. Make sure you time your long warmup run to coincide with the 30min warmup we're having the non marathoners doing and be ready to start between 7-7:10am.
The CIM folks and others we will break you into your groups and have a great workout! See you then.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Hi All, We are meeting tomorrow at Lake Los Carneros in the parking lot by the Goleta train depot behind the fire station Off Los carneros Rd.....couple things happening: Drea's race the Fox Fall x/c Classic 5miler starts at 8am and all are welcome to support this SBAA Grand Prix race and win some cool creative stuff courtesy of Drea (

Cal Int'l Racers should do their warmup, then a 4mile marathon pace run (you can use the Goleta Ed 4mile loop from Lake Los carneros) time it so you have 10min before the Fox Fall race and then run the 5 miler at tempo effort. All others can do their warmup, and simply do the 5miler, which starts at 8am.

SBIM runners will do their warmup, then begin your marathon pace run from the lake (Mike will tell you where) and follow the SBIM course on cath Oaks to San Marcos to La ramada to Ribera/University all the way to Puente and turn around and finish where you started for your longest run 3 weeks away. If you are unsure of the course, please refer to the SBIM website

Friday, October 8, 2010


Hi All, we are meeting in the parking lot adjacent Zizzo's Coffee tomorrow at 6:30am. After warm up, SBIMarathoners will be starting at the 5 mile mark and doing one full loop of the Goleta part of the marathon course and finishing with a loop around Girsh Park for 10 miles total at "mp"

Others will do a 5 mile tempo run (from 5 mi mark to 10mi mark on that course) and then jog back to Zizzo's.

See you tomorrow.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Hi all, we are meeting at the Community Covenent Church (address below) across from the Foothill School on Cathedral Oaks/Ribera intersection. From here we will run to the start of the SBI 1/2 Marathon and run the first few miles of that course where it runs into the full SBIM course.

Community Covenant Church Of Goleta

5070 Cathedral Oaks Rd
Santa Barbara, CA 93111-1202
(805) 967-2671

You all have different goals and have had a different road to get to where you are today and what a great mix of talent and hard work we have out there. Mike and I are proud of you and your accomplishments!
Good luck to Maggie at the Twin Cities Marathon Sunday! You are ready to run a great one too. Show em how tough you are!