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2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, October 29, 2010

PRACTICE 10/29/10

Hi all, we are meeting at Zizzo's Coffee on Storke Rd in Goleta tomorrow at 6:30am.

SBIMarathoners will do their 90min around Girsh Park and the upper neighborhood (the figure 8). We will try and have water and cups for you to parctice drinking EVERY 2mile loop! Even if you don't want to, please practice drinking.

The 1/2 marathoners will do a 4mile tempo (2 figure 8 loops) at a ~90% intensity (90% max HR)

The CIM folks will do 2 x 4miles with 5-10min between loops.

See you tomorrow!

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