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Monday, August 20, 2012

Tuesday Practice 8/21/12

Hi, Rusty is out of town tomorrow, so you can either attend the PM workout with Mike or here is the workout and paces per group  (Those Rusty writes schedules for know their workouts and paces)

6x1K with 2min recovery jog between

Group 1: @2:05-2:10/400   (Vida, Stephanie, Ruth etc)

Group 2: 1:58-2:00/400 (Linda's group)

Group 3: (Rob and Brooke's group)  1:52/400

#3A (Claire, Maggie etc...): 1:42/400

#4: 1:38-1:39/400 (All 3:20 marathoner goals....Hilary etc..)

#5 (1:30-1:32/400....Jill C etc...)

#6 (88/400....Eric, Jeff, Joy....)

See you saturday....good luck!

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