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Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tuesday 6/13/23 workout

 Hi, Mike is away for the next three weeks. All SBRR runners who participate in the Tuesday evening workout with Mike, please check the blog for workout details.

See you all Saturday!



This workout is essentially threshold effort aside from the 3x30sec on the last set

3min@85% perceived effort, 1min jog, 2min@85% perceived effort, 1min jog, 1min@90% perceived effort, 1min jog x 3 sets then after the last 1min rep on the 3rd set, do 3x30sec at 95% with 30sec jog between. 

For those racing the Goleta 5k, 10k or half marathon in a couple weeks:

6x800@5K Race pace with 2min between

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