How to Pay for SBRR

1. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand column and pay $125 for your yearly membership.
2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Monday, December 30, 2019

Tuesday 12/31/19

Am workout for those not racing New Years Day:
16xshort mockingbird hills
Hard up/easy down
Happy New Year! Good luck to those racing the Resolution Run and see you all Saturday:)

Friday, December 27, 2019

Saturday 12/28/19...Informal workout

Hi, we had a request to post the workout...See you on the 4th!

Vieja Valley Elementary School 6:30am
workout: 3 continuous Via Roblada loops at threshold effort....4.2miles total (if you are racing the Resolution Run and want a little boost in performance...then run the first loop at threshold effort, and then really push to faster than 5K race pace on the second loop and back down steadily and deliberately to threshold effort on the 3rd loop. If you aren't racing res Run then keep it steady for all loops.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Tuesday 12/24/19 6AM workout

Hi, the workout for tomorrow:

some have their specific paces for the workout...others here you go....
warmup, 6x100m strides, 2K@85% perceived effort (ex: half marathon race effort), 3min jog,1600@ perceived 90% effort, 4min jog then 3x800@400m pace which is 7sec faster/mi than the 2K pace (example: if you ran 7:00/mi for the 2K...that's 1:45/ would run your 800s at 1:45 minus 7 or 1:38/400) with 2:30min jog between each repeat, 90sec jog after 3rd 800, then 2x400 with 60sec between each 2sec faster than your 800m efforts. Cool down

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! See you guys on Jan 4th:)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Saturday 12/21/19 AND...... SBRUNNING CO 20% OFF!

We are meeting at the Santa Barbara Running Company's new location at 1046 Coast Village Road, SB, 93108 at 6:30am! They are giving all SBRR members 20% off this Saturday only so come prepared to finish up the Holiday Shopping:).
NO practice Dec 24th or Dec 28th....We will have practice next on January 4th of the new year! On January 4th we will be bringing in 2020 with a post workout breakfast at Savoy 9:30am. All are welcome. Think about possible Team races for 2020 and have them ready to submit/share on Jan 4th:)
 Please make sure your yearly $125 fee is scheduled to be paid ideally by Dec 31st in order to receive your cool SBRR apparel for 2020. (If you are scheduled through PayPal to re up your SBRR payment by the end of January, you will still make the apparel if you signed up last January and are on Automatic Payments then no need to cancel and make it by Dec 31st...if, however, you aren't scheduled to make the payment by the end of January, then please do it before Dec 31st....if this doesn't make sense, talk to Either Mike or Rusty at practice.

Thank you!

Friday, December 13, 2019

Saturday 12/14/19 and Holiday Schedule

SBRR Holiday schedule...NO practice Dec 24th or Dec 28th....We will have practice next Saturday Dec 21st and then January 4th of the new year! On January 4th we will be bringing in the new year 2020 with a post workout breakfast at Savoy 9:30am. All are welcome. Think about possible Team races for 2020 and have them ready to submit/share on Jan 4th:)

See you tomorrow at Goleta Beach 6:30am!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

SBRR Yearly Apparel order 2020

Hi, Please make sure your yearly $125 fee is scheduled to be paid ideally by Dec 31st in order to receive your SBRR Apparel for 2020. (If you are scheduled through PayPal to re up your SBRR payment by the end of January, you will still make the apparel if you signed up last January and are on Automatic Payments then no need to cancel and make it by Dec 31st...if, however, you aren't scheduled to make the payment by the end of January, then please do it before Dec 31st....if this doesn't make sense, talk to Either Mike or Rusty at practice.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Saturday Dec 7, 2019 and SBRR HOLIDAY get together at Biltmore 12/15

Hi, Good Luck to Jill Christ, Ada Heckes, Julie Amble, Roy McLaughlin and Scott Lund at The California International Marathon Sunday as well as those Racing the Santa to the Sea Half Marathon and 5k in Oxnard also on Sunday!
We will be meeting at Handlebar Coffee on canon perdido St in SB at 6:30am.

Next Sunday, December 15th 5pm to 7pm at the Biltmore come join us for what has become an annual SBRR Holiday get together!
