How to Pay for SBRR

1. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand column and pay $125 for your yearly membership.
2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, December 29, 2017

Saturday 12/30/17

Hi, Given that we had to cancel a few practices because of air quality, we are meeting 6:30am tomorrow at Vieja Valley for an EASY run with coaches not telling you how far to run:) No formal workout until after the New Year....then we get serious!
Happy Holidays!
Rusty and Mike

Friday, December 22, 2017

Saturday 12/23/17

Hi all, Given that we had to cancel a few practices because of air quality, we are meeting 6:30am tomorrow at Vieja Valley for an EASY run. No formal workout until after the New Year.
Happy Holidays!
Rusty and Mike

Monday, December 11, 2017

Tuesday 12/12/17

Hi Tuesday AM and PM are cancelled tomorrow due to very poor air conditions. See you next Tuesday. Our thoughts are with everyone who has had to evacuate. Stay safe.
See you soon,
Mike and Rusty

Friday, December 8, 2017

Saturday 12/9/17 and Holiday plans as well as make your plans to qualify for The Boston marathon 2019

Hi All, SBRR is making history tomorrow by cancelling practice. The air quality is too dangerous to run outside.  We are planning on practice Tuesday, but please check the blog for updates on Monday night in case the air quality hasn't improved. We recommend heading to the gym for a treadmill workout...for those doing 8-10miles, do a 3mile warmup, the 3 miles starting 40sec per mile slower than you most recent 5k race pace (or 20sec per mile slower than 10k race pace or your most recent half marathon race pace:) and increase pace .1mph every .25mi until you reach 3miles, then cool down 3-4miles. If you are doing 14-16 miles total or more then do 4-5miles like this but when you get to 3miles, slow the pace down every .25 by .1mph (ex: 8mph, 8.1mph, 8.2mph, 8.1mph, 8.0mph ....)

For the Holidays:

we have practice:
Tuesday 12/12
Tuesday 12/19

Our Holiday Break is from after practice on Dec 19th through the new year resuming practice Saturday January 6th.

**Lastly, We are planning on having a HUGE SBRR group qualifying for and running the 2019 Boston Marathon. We have chosen the Mountains to Beach Marathon in Ojai to use as a qualifier. We will be posting a discount code to enter the M2B Marathon for SBRR members in January. Mike and Rusty will be training for and racing Boston with you as well!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Saturday 12/2/17

Hi, We will be meeting at Mountain Drive/Gibraltar rd tomorrow at 6:30am. Reminder to see the prior post...Ralph Philbricks memorial is tomorrow at 2:30pm Botanic Gardens.
See you all tomorrow!