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2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, June 22, 2012

Saturday practice 6/23

Hi Everyone,
Saturday practice will meet at 6:30 a.m. at goleta beach.  Rusty and Mike will not be at practice this week, the workout will be as follows on the bike path, focused on the upcoming 15k.
40 min warmup- ideally lagoon/UCSB
2x3 miles.  start at the mile 0 of the mconnels course/bike path markers in the parking lot follow the bike path to the 3 mile mark- just past turnpike and before the wooden bridge.
1st 3 miles at marathon effort
5 min recovery jog/regroup
2nd 3 miles return @ 15k pace ( roughly tempo pace give or take 5 seconds per mile)
The groups will be as follows
group 1-2- marathon pace, 8:30+, tempo pace 8:10+
group 3- marathon pace 7:50-8:10, tempo pace 7:30-7:45
group 4- marathon pace 7:20-7:30.  tempo pace 7:05-7:20
group 5- marathon pace 6:55-7:10.  tempo pace 6:40-6:50
group 6- marathon pace 6:35-6:45  tempo pace 6:20-6:25
group 7- marathon pace 5:50-6:05  tempo pace 5:35-5:50

have a great workout, and good luck to those racing Ironman Cour D'alene, and Ventura triathlons this weekend.

Rusty/ Mike

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