How to Pay for SBRR

1. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand column and pay $125 for your yearly membership.
2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, March 30, 2012

Saturday 3/31/12

Hi, Tomorrow workout will be at the Montessori School on Fairview Ave across from the Public library. Both Mike and I will be away tomorrow. Jim Sloan will be our de facto coach making sure you all know what you are supposed to be doing and what group you should be in if you are unsure.

All April Marathoners will do a 6mile warmup, then 2xGoleta Education 4mile loops continuously at marathon pace (8miles total) then your remaining miles.

Everyone else will do only one 4mile loop at 90% effort (what does this mean? If you are normally in group 3, move to group 4) 90% effort is ~15sec per mile slower than current 10K race pace Or roughly 10-15 sec faster than marathon goal pace.

Good Luck to all those racing the Carlsbad 5K this week as well as the Oceanside Triathlon and the UCSB Tri!

See you Tuesday!
Rusty and Mike

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Looking for a Host Family to house Elite Athletes

There will be two Belgium Track athletes coming into Santa Barbara for the first 3 weeks of April. I'm hoping to get a host family for them to stay at while in Santa Barbara. I currently live across from the Ellwood Butterfly Preserves so Goleta would be ideal but any place would be great. They will have a car while in the States so transportation help won't be necessary. The two guys both speak english and are two great guys. If anyone has one or two rooms available and would like to host please feel free to email or call me. They will be racing on the weekends at Stanford, UCLA, and Mt. Sac so they shouldn't be to much of a burden.

Thank You,

Tommy Schmitz

Friday, March 23, 2012

Saturday practice 3/24/12

Hi Everyone,

We will be meeting at foothill school @ 6:30 a.m. We will be doing our workout on the famous Pebble hill loop. See you all there!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

neurotopia runners study

Hi Everyone,

Peak Performance Project of Santa Barbara is doing an investigation to determine if their brain evaluation application from neurotopia called a neuroprofile sheds light on what makes endurance athletes unique. We are looking for participants to take part in an assesment. This will take approximately 1 hour, and will provide the subject with an evaluation of their specific brain information related to sports performance. Neurotopia is currently being used with world class athletes in skill sports ( baseball, volleyball, basketball etc) to improve the mental aspect of their game and we are in the process of determining how this relates to the endurace community. Those interested should contact Matt Aronson @


Friday, March 16, 2012

Saturday 3/17/11

Hi, practice is at Leadbetter (shoreline cafe) tomorrow at 6:30. Rain or Shine!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Saturday 3-10-12

Hi, we'll be meeting at the Vieja Valley school this week.
See you at 6:30am!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Saturday 3/3/12

Hi, meeting at Shoreline Cafe tomorrow 6:30am!
See you all then.
Congratulations to two of our runners, Katie Vining and Wendy G,
For completing the bar exam this week!
(now time to get serious ladies:)