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Friday, February 10, 2012

Saturday 2/10/12

Hi, both Mike and Rusty are away racing the cross-country national championships in St.Louis this weekend and won't be at practice.
Jim Sloan and Jill Zachary have kindly and volunteered to lead practice in our absence.
We will be meeting at the Montessori School across from the Goleta Library on Fairview at 6:30am.
For those training for the Boston marathon or another April marathon you will run 5 miles at marathon pace after your warmup
For those training for the Carlsbad 5k or any other race other than a marathon or ultra, after your warmup you will run 2x2.5 mile loop (*#1@80% effort, 5 min jog, #2@90% effort)
*80% effort is ~marathon race race or slightly slower or "easier" than tempo pace. 90% effort is ~10-20 seconds faster per mile than 80% effort.
Those training for the LA Marathon after your warmup, do 4 x the loop ~10 miles at goal marathon pace

Warmup is 40 minutes easy for everyone
Those we write schedules for should complete assigned miles for the day after the workout.

Jim and Jill will explain the loop (2.5 miles) to everyone and break everyone into pace groups.

See you all Tuesday!

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