How to Pay for SBRR

1. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand column and pay $125 for your yearly membership.
2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, May 29, 2020

Saturday 5/29/20

Hi Everyone,
First of all, exciting news!  We are planning a return to group workouts Saturday 6/6.  We are concerned with providing a safe environment for everyone and will be posting specific guidelines for that practice early next week on the blog, stay tuned!
For tomorrow-
30-40 minute warmup, strides x 4
4 mile tempo run at 85% effort,
Strides x 4
30-40 minute cooldown

Have a great weekend, we are excited about moving forward!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Tuesday 5/26/20

Hi Everyone,
For tomorrow’s workout
Warmup 2-3 miles plus strides
10x2 min efforts at 90% with 1 min recovery jogs.  Ideally
Done on a dirt, grass or soft surface.
2-3 mile cooldown
Keep up the great work!
Rusty/ Mike

Friday, May 22, 2020

Saturday 5/22/20

Hi Everyone,
We are looking forward to resuming practice in the future and seeing everyone again!
In the meantime, for this Saturday-
40 minutes warmup, then 4xstrides
2x2 miles with 3 min jog between.  #1@ threshold/tempo effort, #2, 10-15 seconds per mile faster
40 minutes jog warm down
Happy Running!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Tuesday 5/19

Hi guys, today’s workouts if done right is a threshold workout done at an average effort of 90%.
Warmup, 3min, 2min, 1min x 3 with 1min between each rep at 90%...the reps get slightly faster as the shorten but same relative effort. After the 3rd set, take 3min jog, then 4-6x 30sec with 30sec between each. Cool down.
Good luck!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Saturday 5/16/20

Hi Everyone,
We will keep with the strength and endurance theme for this weekend
The goal will be a 10-14 mile run done as follows
Easy 3 miles
3 miles at current marathon effort plus 20 seconds/mile 75-80-%
2 miles @ current marathon effort 80-85%
2 miles @ 1/2 marathon effort  ( tempo pace)
1 mile at 5-10k effort
2-3 miles ez

The entire run is continuous with the exception of  3-4 strides after the first 3 miles
Enjoy! We miss you all
Rusty/ Mike

Monday, May 11, 2020

Tuesday 5/12/2020 Strength Endurance workout


Since we are in this general fitness stage of training and aren't quite sure when out next races will be...tomorrow will be a strength endurance run and can be done anywhere.

We miss you guys and miss practice..but will see you soon (hopefully:)

workout: 3mile warmup, strides x 5, between 4-7miles@80% effort....add about 1min to 1min 20sec per mile to your more recent 5k race pace or go by feel level 7-8 out of 10 (we will leave this up to you based on your recent mileage but since this is a strength run where you are working at 80% for the whole run aside from the warmup, then goal is at least 8 total miles total).

See you soon!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Saturday 5/9/20

Hi Everyone,
Happy Mother’s Day weekend!
For the workout
Warmup plus strides x 5
8x4 minutes done as 1 min 85%, 1 min 90% 1 min 95%, 1 min jog recovery
So a continuous 32 minutes. Ideally done on a soft surface
Have a nice day our there

Monday, May 4, 2020

Tuesday 5/5

Hi Everyone,
Happy Cinco De Mayo! We miss you all and hope everyone is safe, happy and healthy.
For this week-
Warmup jog 2-3 miles plusstrides x 4
Hill repeats
9-12 x 60 seconds with 90 second jog recovery
Build in sets of 3, with #1 85%, # 2, 90%, 3 95% within each group
Cooldown jog 2-3 miles
Have a great week

Friday, May 1, 2020

Saturday 5/2/20

Hi Everyone,
For tomorrow- warmup and strides x 4, followed by 1.5 mile @ 80% effort,
Jog 3 minutes, then 1 mile @ 90% effort, 3 Min jog then final 1.5
Miles @ 80%

Enjoy and have a great weekend