How to Pay for SBRR

1. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand column and pay $125 for your yearly membership.
2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, October 31, 2014

Saturday 11/1/14

Hi, meeting at shoreline Cafe tomorrow 6:30am. Good luck to our New York Marathoners!!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Saturday 10/25/14

Bill Strong, The Founder of the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, needs 5-10 volunteers to help him enter his 45-50 runners into the Select Staffing SBVeterans Day Marathon & Half this week....please email him directly at Bill Strong to help. It Shouldn't take long if he has the help.

We will be meeting at The Vieja Valley School tomorrow at 6:30am.

See you then!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Saturday 10/18/14

Hi, we will be meeting at Handlebar on Canon Perdido tomorrow at 6:30am!
See you all then

Friday, October 10, 2014

Saturday 10/10/14

Hi Everyone,

We will be meeting at Ledbetter Beach/Shoreline Beach cafĂ© area at 6:30 a.m.  See you all there

Friday, October 3, 2014

Saturday 10/4/14

Hi, we will be meeting at the Foothill school tomorrow at 6:30. See you all then!