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Friday, March 20, 2015

Saturday 3/21/15

Hi All,

Meeting at Mountain Drive/Gibraltar road 6:30am tomorrow. Mike and Rusty are out of town this week and will see you all again Tuesday to discuss your Saturday workout:)

For all folks racing Carlsbad next week:

3-4miles warmup, strides x 6, 1mile@ Threshold effort (1/2 marathon race pace), 5min jog, 1mile @ ~5-10sec faster than goal 5k race pace, 3-4mi cool down

For all others unless your schedule says something different:

40min warmup, 3mile at Marathon Race pace or 80% max Heart rate, 5-7min slow jog, 3mile @ 85-90% effort (1/2 marathon goal pace or slightly faster), 30min cool down

Have a great Run!

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