How to Pay for SBRR

1. Use the Paypal button on the right-hand column and pay $125 for your yearly membership.
2. Then select which type of coaching you want (general coaching $40/month or personal coaching $120/month).

Friday, February 25, 2022


Good luck to our team racing the Ventura Half Marathon this Sunday as well as Margo in the Marathon!

Practice tomorrow at the Vieja Valley Elementary School 6:30sm.

See you all then,


Monday, February 21, 2022

Tuesday 6AM workout

 Hi Guys, Ventura  half marathon folks racing this week:

1600@20sec faster than Goal Race pace, 3 min jog, 2x800@5k race pace effort with 2:30 between 

All others:

500@threshold effort with 100meter jog recovery x 8-10 (this is a continuous run on the track…rest interval is the 100m jog) if you are unable to continuously jog then your 500m repeat is too fast, slow it down and keep going.

See you all Saturday and at the race Sunday!

Friday, February 18, 2022

Saturday 2/19/22

 Hi Everyone,

8 days until Ventura half and full Marathon!

We will be meeting at 6:30 am at Santa Barbara running co. In montecito.   See you all there

Rusty/ Mike

Friday, February 11, 2022

Saturday 2/12/22


We are two weeks away from the Ventura Half Marathon and Marathon.....Margo is running the Marathon...and we have a solid team entered in the Half!

We will see you tomorrow at the Shoreline cafe, Ledbetter Beach at 6:30am.


Friday, February 4, 2022

Saturday 2/5/22

 Hi, we will be meeting at the Vieja Valley Elementary School tomorrow at 6:30am.

See you all there!
